martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Chapter I Analysis

1.  What characters are introduced in this chapter? 

Georg Koves, Sütó, Annamarie, Stepmother, father, mother, uncle Willie, uncle Lajos, uncle Steiner, uncle Flelschmann, grandparents, uncle Dini, Baker, Baker's wife.

2. Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically. 

Georg: "Being a big boy, now in my fifteenth year.." Physicall
            "I was quite capable of grasping for my self the gravity of the blow that had been inflicted on us" Psychological

3. What is the narrative technique? Provide evidence 

Point of View: narrator (1st person)
Narrator: Direct
Speech: Reported
Tense: Past Tense

4. Describe the setting of this chapter

The first chapter takes place in Budapest, Hungary. It is setted in the year 1941-1943.

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