Maybe you have heard about this tower before, but do you really know the story of this famous Tower? This is your lucky day because I'm going to tell it to you.
The Tower of Babel is a biblic story it is located in the Genesis 11:5-8. It tell us that when people were migrating to the north east from the west of Africa. They all spoke just one language, the reason of why they could migrate because they were the most advanced, the other tribes didn't have a good enough way of communication. So when they were close to the region Shinar, were they found a great plain, and the people decided to build a city and the biggest tower ever to reach heaven, to be famous and to not spread around the Earth. They were decided to build it, with bricks instead of stones, but God came down and saw the city and tower th people were bulding. He thought that all humans were one tribe and speak one language, they were able to do anything they propose. So he confused their language and by that humans spread. Leaving the construction of the city and the tower (as the picture shows). It was called babel because there God confused all humans language.

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