domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

FOA Written Reflection

Area to which the task is linked. (Please include the sub topic to which it is linked)
Language in Mass Communication. Language in Songs. 

Activity type:  Oral Presentation

In the table below, candidates must list the source of all support materials that relate to the presentation. (You should also attach a properly formatted bibliography, as appropriate.)

Title of Work/Text
Text Type
 Jargon, Dialect and Pronunciation Rob Allison and Brian Chanen English A: Language and Literature. Course Companion
 The Sixties Susan Goodwin and Becky Bradley (21 april, 20:36)

Aims for the task: 

To understand how language varies in song, in order to reach different tarjet audience. 

Comment on your performance and the progress you made in achieving the aims above.

_With a lot of investigation and a hard way through I was able to explain the context, the topic and the language of the songs I previously chose.

Further Oral Activity reflective statement: Guidance

You may consider the following for your reflective statement, in line with the IB guidelines for the Further Oral Activity. The statement should be about 200-300 words, similar to a rationale for a Written Task.

You should try to give some specific ideas about decisions you made concerning structure, content, language, and so on, in order to meet your aims with the presentation.

Your reflection should respond to the following questions:

What was the overall purpose of your particular choice of oral activities?
Applying the concepts about language that we learned

How did you determine to achieve that purpose? 
By Showing examples and the record it self to the audience.

In addressing the above questions, you might address the following:

1) In what ways did your Further Oral Activity explore the ways in which the circumstances of production and reception affect the meaning of the selected text(s)? 
I explored the hole context of the sixties, including things like the counter culture and the vietnam war. I also compared the text I chose with actual ones and made a contrast of the significance the language has.

2) How does your task relate to the study of texts and topics from parts I or II? Be as specific as possible. 
My task relate directly to the "Dialect, jargon, pronunciation" subtitle that can be found in the page 167 of the English A: Language and Literature Course Companion. And also the "Register and Style" section in page 165.

3) What sort of language and register did you choose to use for your task, and why? 
I chose formal language, because my presentation consisted on showing to the audience how language varies in two different songs, so it wasn't necesary for me to use any type of slang or jargon to show this. My objective was to transmite my analysis to my class, and they use formal language.

4) How did you structure your analysis, and why? 
I made an introduction to the topic by showing the context of production, so people can understand later the real meaning of the words. Next I read a paragraph from the first song and made an analysis, then the same with the second song. At the end I made a comparison with a conclusion.

5) What can you say about your performance? 
I think it was efective, because of the response that the public had, and the effort I put into it.

6) What can you say about your progress in achieving the aims you had set yourself for this task? 
Where were you successful, and what might you do differently? In general terms I reached my aims, I could improve the part where I had to make the audince participate.

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