domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Answers to the questionary

1)Which is the trick to communicate us? 
To make a sequence of noises so I can give my thought to another person

2)What do we express when we talk? 
Thoughts, ideas, things, danger.

3)Do animals talk?
No, but they make sounds and gestures to express ideas, for example if a dog is angry with another it will show his teeths and it will bark.

4)What did Dr. Deb Roy try to achieve?
 How children learn to talk.

5)Which are the earliest stages in language for a child?
 Babbling and single words.

6)What external and internal factors made the data recollected in the experiment into something they could use? 
The information of where are them and what are they doing at the moment.

7)How did the parent's speech change from their son's first word until he could utter more complex structures? 
They simplified their speech to communicate better, and then they use long words again.

8)What does Dr Deb Roy compare the "blossoming" of a speech form?
He compares the blossoming of a flower with the blossoming of his son's speech form

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