jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

"The History of Language" & "Language in constant change"

The History of Language

1)Why is it said that people in East Africa developed more than the rest?
Because they had a better language than other tribes and that allow them to succeed.

2)What happened to the earlier languages on Earth?
Has been erased or lost throw time because the earliest languages were just oral and not written. No evidence.

3)According to Dr Johanna Nichols, what were the first utterances made by Humans?
Calls and Sounds

Language In Constant Change

1)What is the biblical story of "The Tower of Babel"?
This story tell us that a very group of humans that was immigrating to the orient wanted to build the biggest tower of all and reach sky so they became famous and all the tribes would go to the tower and humans would live together. But Yahveh came down and made humans spoke different languages and he spread all humans around the Earth. The tower was never finished and it is called Babel because babel means babbling and that was what they understand from eachother.

2)What does historical evidence tell us of this biblical event?
The historical evidence tell us that in those times people started spreading making tribes and that would be the reason of why they spoke different languages.

3)What's the relationship between genes and language?
People with similar genes speak same language.

4)Why do languages constantly changes?
Because it is learnt oraly generation by generation and that make changes in languages.

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