jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

What Is Language?

We can say tha language is what we use everyday to express our emotions and ideas, but language is a system, a system we use to comunicate with each other. We are the only specie that has a language. This system is based on RULES which put together elements as: Sounds, Words, Sentences, Meaning. This sounds and words exist in our mind and in our writes. But we choose how to put them together in order to what we think is the best way to express anything. Because words are in our heads and we say them in a careful way to make sure they have a meaning, otherwise the language is unuseful. So this is why we can ensure that language is CREATIVE. So in conclusion language is a system created by humans and for humans that is strict in the words and sounds but it is free in they frases and sentences to create meaning.

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