domingo, 8 de abril de 2012

Class Debate

"Humans born with the hability of create language" - "Language is a learnt construct like the rules governing a sport"

About the first affirmation the arguments we have are the following:
-Humans learn speaking around 3 years old. It is a very complex thing to learn though it is one of the first one we do, so, we have special hability to learn language?
-Language is like spider webs. Spider aren't taught how to do their spider webs, they just know how to. Same as humans, they know perfectly how to use language

Second Affirmation:
-Babies are thaught from the time they are born how to speak. Thats why speaking is the first thing they learn. They are surronded by it and parents won't stop stimulating their childs untill they learn ho to communicate.
-Language can't be an instict because a child that isn't taught language won't create a new language at the age of 2. They can learn it fast due it arround them al of their life. But they can't create language when they have no influence of someone.

1 comentario:

  1. Good Summary! I liked that you included arguments for both points of view!
