domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Critical Reading

To read critically we must create our own opinion about a text by going further the letter. We must know also the context of the text, we have to be updated to what is hapening now and what happend before.

Some techniques to be critical at the time to read a text:

  • Whose views are being represented?
  • What or whose interests are being served?
  • What are the intensions behind the message?
  • What reading or speaking position are you being invited to take up? Are we asked to see the situation from a particular point of view?
  • What cultural assumptions are being taken from granted?
  • What or who is absent that one might expect to find?

  • 1)Why is it important to read critically?
    Because we are confronted to problems and situations that we won't be able to solutionate if we dont use a critical thinking

    2)What do I need to become critical?
    Claritty, acuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic.


    • There is no language better than another.

    • Sign systems. Everything has a meaning by the author

    Reading critically this image:

    This picture show us a situation of famine under the perspective of Africans to help their interest, which is to eat. The intentions behind is to move masses of people so there are more contributors of the situation. They use this type of images to change peoples perspective and behavior. We are invited to help people hungry because we have more than them as the image show, the white hand is bigger than the black one. The picture show us that we are culturaly different. The implicit that we would excpet to find is community with famine.

    Active Reading: simply reading and re-reading the course material in an unfocused way takes more than you can afford

    Metacognition Checklist:

    • I recalled what I know about the topic.

    • I asked myself questions as I read.

    • I made connections.

    • I decided what was important to remember.

    • I thought about the reasons why things happened.

    • I pictured what was happening.

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