domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

What is a Stereotype?

A Stereotype is an image or concept simplistic, generalizing or incomplete, of a group of persons. The origin of the word is relationated with the molds that were used to repeat a form.

But there is also another images or figures stereotyped: the one that use it nearly as a code. An icon, for example to relationate computers to screens, thats a way of stereotype, because I'm synthesizing an idea. 

It is very difficut to avoid the stereotypes from other and from ourselves, because we use it to put in order our minds. Like if our mind is a locker and we just put the ideas in the correct locker that has a title outside.

Some examples of stereotypes: 

This guy that is mongolian its called "chino" in Chile

 This peruvian man would be called "Mono"

And much more...

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