domingo, 1 de septiembre de 2013

In Search of the Brontës Quiestions

1. Who is said to have influenced the sister’s lives and WHY?
The father. Because he wanted their daughters to be writters, so he told them that since they were child, and he succeed.
2. What tragedy struck the Brönte family?
They lost her mother, Maria, who died because of cancer. And later some of the sisters died because of tuberculosis.
3. What’s the Brönte father’s background?
He studied at Cambridge University, a very prestigious and expensive one. His economic situation was good.
4. How is it said that Emily Brönte coped with homesickness?
In her poetry she expressed all of her emotions.
5. What is Haworth described like in the times the Bröntes lived there?
It is described as a gothic building, Brontë's times are set in 1800-1850
6. What is a recurrent theme in Charlotte’s writing (based on her experience as a child)?
The departure of her mother and the life she had after that.
7. How did the Brönte father try to salvage the situation with his family after his wife’s death?
He wanted her daughters to have another model and mother. So he married three times.

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