domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Socializing with a box

The internet is now a days used by the most of the population and is a special site where you can get information, share opinion, play games. Some people think that the massification of the web is something dangerous because teenagers spent too much times in front of the computer. Others think that it is a great method to know how to operate the machine they will need on the future, to know how to create an image in the web, etc. Two different text talk about this: "teenager's Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing" and "How using Facebook could raise your risk of cancer":

1) What are the opinions expressed by researchers in the texts?

The researchers of the first text support the use of media by saying that online network is the way connecting in the future and teens train their skills. And the ones of the other text say that to use media for connecting people is dangerous because our genes say that we must meet face to face, by not doing this our brain may generate depression.

2) What are the differences in ways the researchers view community?

The two views are completely opposite. Because one think that the web is a good tool to facilitate the life, while the other say that the use of internet is not natural.

3) What kinds of disctinctions do the researchers make (or not make) in relation to communication?

The researcher that supports the internet believe that the use of it allowa teens to know how to create atmospheres in conversations, how to create an image. The other researcher thinks that this isn't the way it should be, we must be in front of eachother when we are interacting and not sending emails.

To make clear some aspects of the internet here are som FAQ taken from a video in youtube

1) What's the role of social media? Create oportunities, youropinion is valuable.

2) What's the role of people? Commenting, ratting, creating network.

3) What's the role of fans? Making popular the good stuff.

4) What's the benefit of social media to people and organization? It's easier to search and to be recognized.

5) What online community do you know it's based on this system? Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo Respuestas.

6) Social media the same as social network? No

"A Language Without Limits" Analysis

This text, extracted from a newspaper, talk us about the changes of languages mainly in Canada, the mix that is happening there Hinglish, Chinglish and Arabizi. The author informs the readers of the newspaper, that could be from Canada Toronto, that the language now is different from the one forty years ago. Language is dynamic and its changing. In India already happened, they are trying to et their own national language now as an independent nation. But Canada is receiving all the mixture of foreign languages. This non-fiction new has some examples of the jargon used: "That eve-teasing man thinks he is such a ranjha, but he is really badmash, Chi-chi." The author writes in a formal register but he uses some slang to express us the situation. The people's opinion are also considered and wrote down, Rajao Rao: "We can not write like the English. We should not. We cannot write only as Indians. Our method of expression therefore has to be a dialect which will someday prove to be as distinctive and colourful as the Irish or American.". This new is taken from Kamel, Deena. 2008. "a Language without Limits" Toronto Star. 19 August 2008.

It is very interesting thinking how the language is going to be in some decads.


Throug the time England has owned many colonies that later made themselves independent nation, but they conservate the English and some others aspects of the culture that the invaders brought.

The result of the English language seed, panted in many countries, is a mass of english variations that doesn't follow correctly the grammar, articulation, sintax and many other things.
This English variation have names, such as:

Spanglish: A mix between spanish and english

Hinglish: A mix between Hindi and English

Chinglish: Chinesse people talking English

Sofía Vergara
Chicano English: "Mexicans" but many times latin people, that talk english.

This beautiful colombian actress works in the Fox comedy serie  Modern Family. She has the particularity of pronoucing words incorrectly, as a Chicano English speaker would do. This cause several time a misunderstood between she and the audience.

Personally I think that English variations are not good for the world because they produce misunderstanding between people. It would be better if everyone speaks the same language.

Ebonics: Is the language proper of black people. This has a special feature that the others don't. Afroamericans write English exactly the same way they speak it, without any worry. For example: "gimme": give me, "foo": you silly young, "goo": good.

Language and Knowledge

Jargon & Argot can involve the same types of languages. The three principal are:

• Language in Sports
• Cientific Language
• Legal Language

The way we talk change the understanding, knowledge and interpretation. How to deal with this?

Political Correct Language ---> standart English

It represents a white guy avoiding a black person
This language is used in presentations, formal conversation and situations were you don't have the enough confidence for speaking with slang. Because it is neutral and it doesn't discriminate in any way.

How to do a Text Analysis

For doing a text analysis we must identify the most important aspects of the text, wich are the following:

Theme: An abstract word that tell us the main concept of a text (violence, love, sadness)

Topic: What the subject is about, a phrase that tell us what the text is about, it can be debatable.

Main Idea: Short summary of the text, objective.

This are the main point, but we can also understand the following aspects of the text:

Tone: Serious, sad, angry, impatient.
Genre: Fiction, non-fiction.
Register: Formal, slang (informal),  frozen, intimate
Source: Where the text comes from (Enciclopedias, webpages).
Audience: Who are the ones that are meant to read the book.
Vocabulary: Words the author use.

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Argot - Jargon - Slang

Argot: it is the language that is exclusive and only understood by certain kind of people, because it is relationated with their job. For example: cops use jargon, when are in front of a situation that they must stop, for bringing reinforcement they transform the description of what is happening into a number and letter, then the other cop knows perfectly what is going on in a short time. A common person wouldn't understand this of course. That is what jargon is about. It is present in professions such as medics, computer programmers, sports, etc.

Jargon: this very similar word is very different to the last one. Jargon is terminology which is especially defined in relationship to  a specific activity, profession, group or event. This is mostly the abbreviated words used by a group of professionals such as RAM, CD, HD, KB, MC, etc. Abbreviations of all kinds belong to Jargon, ONU,UNICEF.

Slang: is the informal language regularly used by people when they are in a level of confidence, a conversation friend to friend has slang. But it is not well seen when someone use slang in business or in a presentation. There are many types of slangs. Groups of people create their own slang, for example teenagers talk in a have a very different slang to adults, but both have slang.