domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

Socializing with a box

The internet is now a days used by the most of the population and is a special site where you can get information, share opinion, play games. Some people think that the massification of the web is something dangerous because teenagers spent too much times in front of the computer. Others think that it is a great method to know how to operate the machine they will need on the future, to know how to create an image in the web, etc. Two different text talk about this: "teenager's Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing" and "How using Facebook could raise your risk of cancer":

1) What are the opinions expressed by researchers in the texts?

The researchers of the first text support the use of media by saying that online network is the way connecting in the future and teens train their skills. And the ones of the other text say that to use media for connecting people is dangerous because our genes say that we must meet face to face, by not doing this our brain may generate depression.

2) What are the differences in ways the researchers view community?

The two views are completely opposite. Because one think that the web is a good tool to facilitate the life, while the other say that the use of internet is not natural.

3) What kinds of disctinctions do the researchers make (or not make) in relation to communication?

The researcher that supports the internet believe that the use of it allowa teens to know how to create atmospheres in conversations, how to create an image. The other researcher thinks that this isn't the way it should be, we must be in front of eachother when we are interacting and not sending emails.

To make clear some aspects of the internet here are som FAQ taken from a video in youtube

1) What's the role of social media? Create oportunities, youropinion is valuable.

2) What's the role of people? Commenting, ratting, creating network.

3) What's the role of fans? Making popular the good stuff.

4) What's the benefit of social media to people and organization? It's easier to search and to be recognized.

5) What online community do you know it's based on this system? Youtube, Facebook, Yahoo Respuestas.

6) Social media the same as social network? No

1 comentario:

  1. J. Tomás, I think how you've developed the whole idea of your blog is very interesting, but you're missing some important information from our latest sessions:
    1. Weekly summary on LANGUAGE and GENDER (content + Gender Ads Activity)
    2. LITERATURE: TEXTS and CONTEXTS (content + online investigation on Harper Lee's life and times)
    You must UPDATE your blog with this information ASAP. I'll be checking again next week.
