domingo, 24 de junio de 2012


Throug the time England has owned many colonies that later made themselves independent nation, but they conservate the English and some others aspects of the culture that the invaders brought.

The result of the English language seed, panted in many countries, is a mass of english variations that doesn't follow correctly the grammar, articulation, sintax and many other things.
This English variation have names, such as:

Spanglish: A mix between spanish and english

Hinglish: A mix between Hindi and English

Chinglish: Chinesse people talking English

Sofía Vergara
Chicano English: "Mexicans" but many times latin people, that talk english.

This beautiful colombian actress works in the Fox comedy serie  Modern Family. She has the particularity of pronoucing words incorrectly, as a Chicano English speaker would do. This cause several time a misunderstood between she and the audience.

Personally I think that English variations are not good for the world because they produce misunderstanding between people. It would be better if everyone speaks the same language.

Ebonics: Is the language proper of black people. This has a special feature that the others don't. Afroamericans write English exactly the same way they speak it, without any worry. For example: "gimme": give me, "foo": you silly young, "goo": good.

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