viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Argot - Jargon - Slang

Argot: it is the language that is exclusive and only understood by certain kind of people, because it is relationated with their job. For example: cops use jargon, when are in front of a situation that they must stop, for bringing reinforcement they transform the description of what is happening into a number and letter, then the other cop knows perfectly what is going on in a short time. A common person wouldn't understand this of course. That is what jargon is about. It is present in professions such as medics, computer programmers, sports, etc.

Jargon: this very similar word is very different to the last one. Jargon is terminology which is especially defined in relationship to  a specific activity, profession, group or event. This is mostly the abbreviated words used by a group of professionals such as RAM, CD, HD, KB, MC, etc. Abbreviations of all kinds belong to Jargon, ONU,UNICEF.

Slang: is the informal language regularly used by people when they are in a level of confidence, a conversation friend to friend has slang. But it is not well seen when someone use slang in business or in a presentation. There are many types of slangs. Groups of people create their own slang, for example teenagers talk in a have a very different slang to adults, but both have slang.

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