domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

McDonald Angus Analysis

·This ad was created by a group of publicist divided in 2 categories: The ones that care about the creativity, and the ones that care about the marketing part.

·This advertisment is enticing and attractive. To get attention it use a powerful red color, big letters, and a big hamburger. In fact they use few and simple images and texts, but in big proportions.

·The value represented in this ad would be love. Eventhough it is a hidden message, we know that McDonald's slogan is "I'm lovin' it"; the colours red represent pasion; and the purpose of be able to eat while writting an email is because you care of the other one.

·The ad doesn't consider the nutrition part that is very important to a anyone's life.

·The purpose of this ad is to make people relationate McDonalds hamburgers with being in touch with others. In this case the hamburger was made for eat it alone, thats why they mention the email, so you know you will be talking to someone.

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