viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Cartoon Analysis How does this cartoon prove that language can be used to manipulate people? 
This cartoon tell us that when a company is preparing a campaign, it doesn't matter how crazy the idea can be, because they have the methods and tools to make people believe it, what really matter is the connection between the idea and the product. They should be relationated in an implicit way, that might be detectable, but not obvious.

2. Cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise in many countries. Do you think this is right and fair?

I think it is right, no fair. Right because one of the main objectives of a goberment is to take care of the population; cigarettes are very addictive and damage the body, they do nothing good to a man, but, people is free to buy them; when smokers get old they have to go to hospitals because of the damage the cigarette cause to them, and that is expensive to the state. It isn't totally fair because in a capital world industries should have the same rights, and people can choose if they want to consume or not. But the people behind the law is very aware how effective publicity can be

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