lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Advertising Sexist

In publicity, as in many other aspects of life, people tend to be sexist so they can send their arrow right in the tarjet they want to.

The topic of this week was how language change and affects when the tarjet is male, and when the tarjet is female.

Here we have a example of a publicitary message send to female. The advertising has a pink colour at the background, a happy wife very well dressed and drinking in a small cup, and an oven, because women are the ones that cook. And the text has the most important detail that makes this ad exclusive for women, the word "wife". 

With all this little details the message goes straight to its tarjet, and it exclude any other kind of receptor but wives. If we analayse the things that made this poster so unique for the tarjet we will find the feminism implicit in it: pink, dress, oven, being a wife. This are the thing that make the arrow aim it's tarjet precisely.

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