jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

The Help

The Help is a novel written by Kathryn Stockett in 2009 that in the 2011 was release as a film. The story is about a group of maids in the 60s and a group of a high social women, the idea was to show how this two groups interactuate, and if they have a good treatment. But in the 60s the discrimination was heavy and the black maids receive awful treatment.

"The maids in The Help took a risk by telling their stories. Even though they knew they could be shot to death in their front yards, they went ahead with the project. If people are not willing to take risks..."

"They won't change a thing"

The maids of the movie were tired of the discrimination that they received because of been black. They were constantly under the pressure of the Ku Klux Klan, that could kill any of them, and tired the way their bosses treat them. So they received an oportunity to tell all her stories to a periodist that would publicate all the material the maids gave her. It was a very risky chance because the black women could easily get shooted in the yard in front of her houses. But they decided to take the risk, because other wise nothing would change until otherone take the risk that they didn't. So I say that if people are not willing to take risks, they won't change a thing of the life and circumstanses that surround them.

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