martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird Setting

"To Kill a Mockingbird" is a novel written by Harper Lee in 1960. It caused inmediatly impact in the society because of it's topics. It tell us the story of two children and his father Atticus Finch, the story takes place in Alabama, where they lived, and it is setted from 1928 to 1935.


Now, to understand better the story, what happend in those times?

- Economic Depression: after the first world war, the US fell in a huge economic issue, because of the depression caused to everyone during the war: soldiers watching people die, families receiving the awful news that their sons, brothers, fathers, friends, died.

- Unemployement: as a consecuence of the economic depression, the owners of big corporations must maintain the costs low. To do that they fire their employes and won't hire anymore

- "Dust Bowl": The dust bowl is how americans named a huge sand storm that ruined all the crops of the year.

- Segregation: The discrimination of whites and black people was heavy in those times and it was powered by the "Jim Crow Law", which forbidden coloured people to transport, go to bars and go to markets were white people went.

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