martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Analysis Chapter 15 - 16 — To Kill a Mockingbird

Ch. 15

1. What is the Ku Klux Klan? What do you think of Atticus' comment about it?

The Ku Klux Klan was an organization that wanted to eliminate afroamericans and any kind of black people. They were responsable of the murder of Martin Luther King. Atticus talked about this organization as if it was not important nor dangerous at all, what was false. He said it so their family won't be scared.

2. How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?

He doesn't obbey his father, because he knows he is in danger.

3. What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?

The innocence of Scout

Ch. 16

4. What sort of person is Dolphus Raymond and what is your opinion of him?

He was a white man that lived with black men, because he thinks whites are hypocrits.

5. How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he correct in doing so?

He leads them to where black men are so they can see the trial. I think so because is their father who is working and all the twon is there.

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